Saturday, November 6, 2010

Inter-sex Promethea

The photo below is of an adult promethea that emerged in Wisconsin in July 2010.  It has both male &  female elements within it's wings.  More on this specimen & how this can occur, on a post I'll make soon. (Note: This photo was taken by friends of mine, Tsutomu & Masako Nakatsugawa, the day before I deposited it in the New York State Museum in Albany, NY.)  As you can see, the fore-wings are even of slightly different shapes, consistent with the male form on the left and the female form on the right.  Meanwhile, the left hind wing is mainly female and the right, both male & female.

talking with Nancy Collins about raising tree crickets

Nancy told me about her tree cricket rearing as we waited for the beginning of the Annual WI Ent.Soc.meeting in Russel Labs today (Sat.6Nov.2010).  Her Web site is  Check it out!